The whole point of our Done-For-You Marketing Campaigns is to generate leads that you can turn in to cash, and it is imperative that you have the right kind of phone systems and websites to best handle the inbound leads you are about to start getting. This page gives you valuable tips to get your systems ready for the flood of leads you are about to get. Typically, we see that over 90% of your leads will come via the phone, but you will need both a phone system and website in place before you start sending out RoopDoran mailers.
What we mean by a phone 'system' is that you need to have a phone line set up for your customers to call in to. This phone line should be complimentary with the marketing messages going out on your mailers - most will give people the option of calling your 'office' or calling to listen to a 24-Hour Free Recorded message on how to sell a house as-is for a fair price on the date of their choice. We cannot overstate the importance of the Free Recorded Message - offering something free to someone gives them much more of a reason to act, so you must follow through on your promise and give the customer the ability to listen to the message. RoopDoran's Instant Marketing Tools have a copy of the message, and we provide an example below.
The ideal setup for a RoopDoran Done-For-You Marketing Campaign would be to have one phone line that allows the customer to choose:
This is ideal because SalesTeamLive will be issuing you one 800 number per campaign to track your Response Rates. This 800 number will forward to your phone system of choice, and we will be put in to both the direct phone number slot as well as the pre-recorded message phone number slot on the mailers. Thus, you want someone to be able to call one number and get the choice of speaking to someone live or listening to the pre-recorded message. We have an example of what the message dounds like below.
Some of our customers have asked why they can't use their cell phone number as their phone system, and to that we say be careful! You will have some people calling to listen to the pre-recorded message, and if you pick up live you may upset them and lose them as a lead. Also, people call at odd hours - do you really want your cell phone ringing day and night?
Need a Done-For-You Phone System?Seller and Buyer Websites allow you to have a 'virtual' storefront on the web so that your potential customers can check you out and feel comfortable that you are a legitimate business. There are all sorts of website solutions out there that you can use, and RoopDoran mailers will pretty much work with all of them. Just note - you must have a website before you can send marketing out, as almost every RoopDoran mailer will reference a website.
The top things to consider when evaluating a website:
Contact Member Services if you need a website - we have relationships with many providers and will get you a good deal on a good website.